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Welcome to the home of the Clearwater Archers. I'll have shoot schedules, scores, news and even a few pictures! Check back often
Executive Meeting- April 23, 2001
Meeting Minutes
Those Present: Darrin West Jim Pike Sylvain Marquis Allan Fenerty Ken Corbett (Recorder)
Absent: Hans Fris (Ken was unsuccessful in contacting Hans) Meeting Minutes Issued: April 25, 2001

17 paid members to day (we are currently well ahead of where we were the same time last year)

3,096 in Bank + Petty Cash, $1,109 of which is associated with the 50/50 Matching Butt Replacement Grant from the Government of Alberta

Butt Replacement Project
Considerable discussion on the design of the target butts especially as it pertains to material (wood versus steel)
Group settled on steel and have settled on an appropriate design
12 steel butts will be built. The 10 m & broadhead butts will be refurbished
Darrin & Sylvain will confirm butt dimensions and order materials

3-D Shoots
Al confirmed that the 3-D Shoots will be held on May 19, August 18, and June 16, 17
50/50 Draws will be held at all shoots in order to raise money for the ABA Bear Collar Project
Sylvain will check out the possibility of using Vista Ridge for the two day 3- D Shoot

3- D Butts
General discussion on the condition of our 3- D butts-lousy, and our financial ability to purchase new butts-good
Moved by Al & Seconded by Jim that we spend a maximum of on at least three (two small, one medium) 3- D butts- Passed
Sylvain will E- Mail the Executive a picture of the various animals available and the associated cost. The executive will respond by return E- Mail and Sylvain will proceed with the purchase